コミュニティー・サポーテッド・アグリカルチャー、略して CSA と呼ばれるんですけど、詳しくはこちらのサイトが分かりやすいので参照くださいまし。
I just started subscribing to a CSA finally.
(Never heard about CSA? Please read here first!)
When I searched in this area if there were any CSA I can join a couple years ago, I couldn't find any. There were lots of people already participating in CSA around big "green" cities such as San Francisco, Portland (OR), etc., but it was not common here in eastern North Carolina yet.
But finally, some farms started offering CSA around here, too! This means there are more people who are trying to eat healthy and safe food grown locally and want to support our farmers.
The application process is also very easy now. You can do everything online. They even deliver the box right to my door instead of meeting at the pick up location. You can purchase a single delivery or pay monthly. And, there are the options of adding milk, eggs, meat and things beside the produce.
This is my farmer's website (so stylish isn't it?) where you can order a CSA box online. They are mainly a meat farm (animal welfare approved, free ranging), but have seasonal produce, too. They gather more veggies and fruits from other nearby farms, milk, baked goods from local bakery, and some dried or canned goods from local businesses to make our CSA boxes.
It's most likely a surprise box! You might find a something totally new or not so favorite veggies in your box. CSA box might not be right for everyone, but for me, it's convenient and fun! It definitely reduces my trips to the grocery stores. I'm constantly thinking "What to make for dinner today!?" but sometimes have no clue anyways! So they provide me some ingredients, and I have to come up with the ideas of what to cook... I kind of do better with dinner planning this way. It can be challenging. I'm almost like an "Iron Chef" :) But, it also gives us a chance to get to know a new veggie and how to eat it. I know these produce are super fresh, more nutritious than the ones in the grocery stores, and grown without chemical pesticide.
This week's delivery looked like this:

それぞれファームによって設定してる値段や方法は違うと思いますが、お住いの地域に CSA がないかどうか検索してみたらいかかでしょう?
Snap peas, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, Romain lettuce (red one), collard greens, radishes, apples, eggs, milk, a jam, and a pound cake.
When you purchase monthly, it cost $40 a week. This is not bad at all! (delivery is included too)

スナップ豆の胡麻和え、ニラ入り卵焼き、トマト・・・ CSA の材料で。
Today's dinner was a simple and quick, light Japanese one.
Snap peas with toasted sesami dressing, rolled omelette eggs, tomatoes --- CSA ingredients
Chinese chives (Nira) in the eggs and carrot leaves in the miso soup was from my garden.
We need your diet plan, we're not doing that good. You can if you want, email Kazuyo at blaydeskm@hotmail.com. :)
Ha ha... Trust me leaving Japan actually makes you eat more healthy! There won't be Jusco's deli corner or Hokkahokka Bento!!