Chicks are 7 week old now. It's been warm here, and the temperature in night-time is also not cold anymore. So we finally moved them to outside 2 weeks ago. They needed to because the bathtub wasn't enough anymore, and I wanted my bathroom back!
We planned to finish building their coop during the spring break. All we did in this spring break was working hard outside. Our poor kids didn't get to go anywhere beside Homedepot and Lowe's :)
We've done so many DIYs around the house, but we are not experienced enough to build our own from scratch yet. So I searched and found the plan I really liked at:
まずは材料集めから。いろんなサイズの木材、屋根、金具などと、これがまた思ったよりも多くて大変。せっかくの春休みだというのに、かわいそうなうちの子達はどこにも連れて行ってもらえず(笑)。行ったところといえば、Homedepot と Lowe's を行ったり来たり。。。働きづめの春休みだったけど、これはこれでいい思い出になるでしょう。。。

At first, gathering all the material was the hectic job... lots of wood and hardware. We also needed big material like 12' long lumbers and plywood sheets that don't fit in our truck so ended up using Homdepot's rental truck. It cost only about $20 per hour.
大きなボードや長い木材は、うちの小さなピックアップ・トラックには載せきらないので、Homedepot で大きなトラックをレンタルして持って帰りました。1時間くらい借りて$20ぐらいと、まあまあ悪くないと思います。↓ Homedepot のレンタルトラック乗車中。
[caption id="attachment_2455" align="aligncenter" width="600"]

The good thing is that we do have lots of trees that make nice shades in hot summer. However, the ground is a little sloped... it always makes everything more difficult.

The first step was cutting the lumbers and framing the walls.
Then, the foundation was set, and the framed walls were placed on it. Making everything leveled is the hardest part (so Brad did all).

Next step was the building the roof. We had never used material like this before so it was good to learn how the installation works.
And then, basically we had to wrap whole thing with hardware cloth, all sides and top. The hardware cloth is sold rolled like a wrapping paper... just made with hard metal wire. It' not fun to handle this thing! Brad dug a trench around the walls and buried the bottom edge of it. So the predators can't get in.

The front door was framed and installed. Now I know how doors are made!
Then finally, the hen-house part was build. It has an opening and a ramp (ladder) attached on the floor. There is an access door for human so we can clean inside. There is also a tiny "egg door" on the outside which allows us to collect their eggs easily.
They don't start laying eggs until around 6 month old. We are using this door to peek and check how chicks (almost chickens) are doing inside for now. It's amazing to see they just know exactly what to do. They go back to the upstairs when the sun goes down and fall in sleep so quickly all snuggled. Then they wake up and come down at sunrise.

Building this coop was a big project and wasn't easy, but I'm glad I choose this one. Even if we are going out of town for a day or two, or on the rainy days, they'll be safe and have plenty of room to move around inside. The hen-house is very cozy but big enough like the size I can get in. It must be fun to sleep here watching stars in the sky :)
Also, I don't have to open and close their door every early morning and night. That really helps.
I'll update how they are doing in new house next!

Wow! Brad has long hair, LOL! Also, nice coop, make sure you water seal that wood big time, not just paint it. It will rot really fast, the chicken poop and wood don't mix well. Also, you're going to need more shade than the roof. Put a pannel on the side, that way it'll give them more shade, they really like shade a lot. We had chickens out on the farm in NE and they always stayed in the shade. Also, best thing we ever did was put it on a cement slab, that way once a week, we could just shoot water through the fence and wash all the chicken poop right off. Looks like you could pick that up (with lots of help) and move it to a cement slab one day. Just saying, otherwise you'll be shoveling / sweeping droppings a lot as they get older and you get more babies, etc.. :) FARMER BRAD! :) Also, make sure your neighborhood allows rosters, they make a buttload of noise when they get older. ;)
ReplyDeleteYap, he is trying to grow his hair!It's really curly and not easy to handle, but for some reason he want to...
ReplyDeleteI didn't know that you know so much about the chicken care! Yeah about the sealant, I actually sealed these lumbers already. I didn't want to use the treated ones because it's said that the chemical on it is not safe for animals. And I wanted them to be organic chicken! So I found the all-natural kind of sealant and used it on bare wood. It didn't change any look, and we are wondering if it really works. Well, wait and see I guess :)
And right now, the coop is still in sunny area, but the leaves on the trees are growing and soon will be more shady. Yeah if it doesn't get enough shade, we will put a panel on the side and cover the roof. And, concrete slab, I heard about that too. I'm going with the method that basically let the chicken scratch the pine shaving, dirt, and poop together so it kind of compost there. I will add more shaving sometimes and change whole thing as needed. But, if we have more chicken later, it might get more messy and consider concrete slab. We just need to wait and see I guess. Our chicks are supposed to be all hens. Although we are allowed it here, I don't think I want to keep rosters!
Thanks for the advices!
No problem, good luck! :)