Yesterday, April 22nd, was the Earth Day. Did you do anything special on this day?
Well, I don't do anything special. Because... for me everyday is earth day now!!
One reason why I blog is because I really want to let people know that we need to change the way we live.
Human being has become so self-centered. Humans think the earth exist for themselves. Humans only care about the little things around them to make them happy and satisfied.
We all hear that we need to do this and that to save the earth today. But, we can't do those things just because we are told to do so. The earth won't be saved until all individuals realize how we are being egoistic.

Although the idea of reusing and recycling might help the environment somewhat, it's not just enough. Not enough at all because humans create so much things that turn into waste which is not biodegradable such as plastic. It neither go back to the soil nor simply disappear.
It is obvious that the only solution for this is that each of us has to live using less stuff and with less consumption. I'm not just talking about not to waste water and electricity. I'm talking about the stuff we create and leave on the earth. Even if you don't create by yourself, you make the manufactures to create more by buying their products more.
Please look around your house and think about the products you use everyday. There are a lot of things we can live without or with less. Also, there are a lot of fossil fuel we can conserve if each of us lives with less.
I often ask myself questions such as...
Do I need to buy and use brand new "trash bags"? Isn't that ridicules idea to create new trash just to bag trash?
Do I really need to use the paper towel to wipe off just water?
Does it necessary to use Ziplock bags in kid's school lunch, can't I use the washable containers instead?
Do I know how much shampoo, tooth paste, and toilet paper my kids are using?
Do I need to buy another bottled cleaner while I can use a simple soap, baking soda, and vinegar instead?
Is that beauty product which is made with the harmful chemicals and comes in a fancy plastic container really what I need to buy? What am I going to do with it if I don't use it all, just throw in a trash? Let it sit in the landfill forever while contaminating the soil and water?
Does it really necessary to eat the fruits and vegetables that came long way using a lot of fuel for transportation and the chemicals sprayed on to make them last longer?
Do I have to buy the cheap meat so we can eat meat almost everyday? Do I know how that meat was processed and how that animal was raised?
If my family member is buying a new cell phone or laptop pc, what are we going to do with the old one? Can it be recycled although the parts in all electrics contain very dangerous chemicals?
Do I really have to drive a car and spend fuel just to go to buy a bottle of milk? Does that milk come in another plastic bottle by chance?
If I buy a new plastic storage container, how long am I going to use it? Does it last long? Do I really need it?
There are endless numbers of questions I can ask... because there are endless amount of stuff around us!
But, think about it and you will realize what was really necessary and what was not.
Don't make the convenience your priority. Convenience = more trash! Don't act like you are super busy and don't have time for it.
Now I feel my life is a lot simpler than before. And, I like it.
I don't have many trips to stores and spend much time there anymore. Shopping is my least favorite activity now.
I don't freak out when I'm out of paper towels and plastic wraps anymore. I know I can do without the disposal stuff (even if not completely yet).
If I use a Ziplock bag, I wash and dry it to reuse.
I never use chemical weed killers just because weeds don't look pretty. I understand those plants exist there for reasons.
I don't care about new products because I don't watch TV anymore and don't have to see commercials. My kids also don't ask for much stuff now simply because they don't know about that new stuff.
Our ancestors lived with minimum stuff. In the undeveloped area of the world, people still live with no possession and are very happy. These are the ideal human life style for the earth. I can't completely live like that in this modern world, but I want to be closer as much as I can.
Now I feel like I can focus on more important things without distraction. I am very happy when I see animals living happily, on the other hand, I am very sorry when I see animals cannot live happily because of us, humans. I always have a gratitude toward the nature surrounding me.
I feel like I can find "real richness and happiness" that the materialism can't provide!!

One thing threatens earth. Human population. Period. :)
ReplyDeleteI heard the theory that the big earthquakes and natural disasters have been happening a lot lately and kills a lot of people because the earth is trying to control the human population!
ReplyDeleteIf it's not helping, maybe it's time to consider adapting the China's "one-child policy" in US and Japan, too? :)