
Easy Homemade Yogurt



I've been making most of the yogurt we eat at home since beginning of this year. This yogurt making process is really simple once you learn how it works. I usually use the powdered culture and incubate it in the "yogurt maker" so no hassle. 
Sure, it's easier if I go to a store and just grab one comes in the container, but there are some benefits of making your own yogurt. For example...

  1. If you are buying good organic milk, then you can make good organic yogurt using the same milk.

  2. Store bought yogurt comes in the wasteful plastic containers. 

  3. It costs cheaper than buying the same quality yogurt.

  4. Tastes so yummy and fresh!!

  5. Real natural yogurt without any additives.


  1. 信用おけるオーガニックの牛乳を買っているのなら、ヨーグルトもそれで作ってしまえば一石二鳥。

  2. 市販のヨーグルトはプラスチック容器に入ってるので、自分で作ればゴミが出ない。

  3. それなりの質のものを買うのと比べれば、作ったほうが安くつく。

  4. 味が違う。フレッシュでおいしい!

  5. 添加物などは一切入っていない、本当の自然なヨーグルト。

It requires only two ingredients to make yogurt.
Milk and culture.




I buy this milk from local organic market. It comes from the popular daily farm in North Carolina about 3 hours drive away from here. There are not much daily farm in my local area so this is the closest one I found so far. I like it comes in glass bottle! I return the bottle to the store when I go back next. It is heavy and less convenient , but it reduces waste and I like doing it this way (makes me feel like living in old-time)!

By the way, I don't drink cow milk at all. I stopped drinking it about 6 years ago after I figured that the cow milk wasn't easy thing to digest in my stomach.  However, I can still consume some yogurt and cheese because the processing has already broken down some of the lactose in milk. 

The red cap is whole milk and blue one is low-fat. Basically, red one is for kids and blue one is for daddy :) Ollie (my youngest son 5 years old) is skinny so definitely should be drinking red one.  I don't believe in any low-fat product anyways, but for right now I have to buy two kinds every time. 

You can make yogurt with any type of cow milk. Or even with soy milk, coconut milk, and almond milk, etc.!

It makes thick and firm yogurt when you use whole milk. With lesser amount of fat in milk, the result gets thinner. Also, it said (and from my experience) the yogurt sets better if you use the "pasteurized milk" instead of  the "ultra-pasteruized milk" with this method.   






:: How to make yogurt using yogurt maker ::

First, heat the milk until it boils and starts to climb the side of the saucepan.
Remove the saucepan from heat and let the milk cool to lukewarm.



Stair in the culture with some of the milk in a separate bowl (jar, cup) until it dissolved.

I usually use this Freeze Dried Yogurt Starter. You can also use one glass jar of store-bought or already made plain yogurt instead of using the powdered culture!




 Then, Pour it back to the rest of milk and mix. Pour the mixture into the jars.



Incubate about 5 - 6 hours (it varies depends on room temperature) in the maker.

I have a one from Euro Cuisine. It's called "yogurt maker", but basically it is just an incubator. It keeps right warm temperature, that's all. If you can do that with your own way, this maker is not really necessary... though having one is quite  handy and convenient.





When it sets, it's done! Keep them in refrigerator when its cool enough.  All the instructions comes with each yogurt maker so you need to make sure to follow it!





  1. Neat idea.

    How much for the Yogurt Maker machine?


  2. I just realized that the links weren't working so fixed them!
    There are many types, but mine was around $30.

  3. That's not expensive at all, for what it makes, can pay for itself in a few months. :)
